Shiyan yamoo Beijing Great Automotive Components Company Limited

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Home Parts electric equipment automobile instruments [3801010-C0110] Dongfeng Dragon 3 car use: a combination of instrument panel assembly: 3801010-C0110
[3801010-C0110] Dongfeng Dragon 3 car use: a combination of instrument panel assembly: 3801010-C0110
  • [3801010-C0110] Dongfeng Dragon 3 car use: a combination of instrument panel assembly: 3801010-C0110

[3801010-C0110] Dongfeng Dragon 3 car use: a combination of instrument panel assembly: 3801010-C0110

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& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Shiyan Yamao Auto Parts Co., Ltd. long-term supply Hubei Xiangfan instrument factory production: combined instrument assembly (also called combined dashboard): model: 3801010-C0110. The product is suitable for matching Dongfeng dragon car Europe 3 series. The technical parameters of the product are: 24 V speed ratio: 1:625/8 158 gear selection of high-quality, stable quality, long service life, for many years to get the company and the majority of users. We have perfect quality service system. Welcome letter from the majority of users call to buy!

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[3801010-C0110] Dongfeng Dragon 3 car use: a combination of instrument panel assembly: 3801010-C0110
Company Profile

Shiyan yamoo Beijing Great Automotive Components Company Limited was founded in March 1998. Our company mainly engaged in Dongfeng Automobile Series car electric appliance, Hubei students Automobile Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. authorized "brand products in Hubei Province general agent, Hubei Automobile Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. Shiyan Auto Parts City office. In the company "health card" series of electrical products for its excellent performance is popular throughout the country. Become Dongfeng Automobile Group, FAW Jiefang, Shaanxi Auto, auto, BAIC, Auman, golden dragon group, Zhengzhou Yutong, Luoyang YITUO Group, Suzhou Eagle electric car companies such as the major vehicle manufacturers of automobile product of choice. Ancillary products are widely: coverage, series of heavy duty, military vehicles, off-road vehicles, light truck series, passenger cars, electric vehicles, tractors and so on. The company has won the "best reputation auto dealers", "national automobile dealer market credibility" and other awards. We also operate the electrical products of Xiangfan Dongfeng instrument factory products, and other manufacturers have been the Party school, to meet the different needs of customers.
our company spirit of "business integrity, mutual benefit" business philosophy, sincere hope that the new and old customers to visit. Is willing to work with you to work together to create a better tomorrow! company name: Shiyan yamoo Beijing Great Automotive Components Company Limited address: Shiyan whitecaps Auto City Daming C District 4 Building No. 1042 Bank: Agricultural Bank of China branch of Shiyan Economic Development Zone 0719-8314518 mobile phone, landline 15727199918: bank account: 226901040001890 fax: 0719-8302030 nbsp; tax number: 420302744649734 a line number: 103523022694http:  online banking office;   ; manager: Chen Yong business: Zhao Huayu 13872778427 Email:syyamao@ Yu Qiang QQ1030036180 and QQ 13581368637 business e-mail: [email protected] Chen Yong ABC card number: 9559980749323601 619 Bank: Agricultural Bank of China Shiyan City Auto Parts Branch Chen Yonggong line number: 6222081810000235 190 Bank: ICBC Shiyan branch Chen Yong casting factory two postal card number: 0551005390001118 440 Bank: Auto Parts City Post Office postal savings bank card number: 62270026 Chen Yong 50390127 937 Bank: Shiyan branch of China Construction Bank whitecaps

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