Hubei Kang way industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

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Home Parts brake system brake assembly Yuanfeng - disc brake brake disc
Yuanfeng - disc brake brake disc
  • Yuanfeng - disc brake brake disc

Yuanfeng - disc brake brake disc

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Yuanfeng - disc brake brake disc
Company Profile

Hubei Yuzhui Industry & Trade Co., Ltd is a Shiyan gold trade limited company Auto Parts City branch. Is located in known as "Tianxiadiyi Senzan" at the foot of Mount Wudang, beautiful Shiyan not only is a mountain city, is the national famous production base of Dongfeng automobile is a veritable car city, with the development of Dongfeng Automobile Company for over 30 years, Shiyan Checheng now and convenient transportation, logistics developed around the car auto parts industry has a great potential for development. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; auto parts company with head office of abundant resources of the platform is Fashite gear box assembly and accessories, Dongfeng Dana axle assembly, hande axle, Yuanfeng disc brake and the United States Kang Mai end wheel reducer agent. The company spirit of "honesty, quality first, sincere service, cooperation and win-win" business philosophy, sincere for the vast number of users to provide emotional heat, fast, quality service. & nbsp; & nbsp; Hubei Yuzhui Industry & Trade Co., Ltd., main Fashite gear box assembly and accessories, Dongfeng Dana axle assembly, Han de axle, Yuanfeng disc brake and a speed reducer, Cummins full range of engine assembly and accessories, Dongfeng commercial vehicle body assembly and cover parts, the company adhering to the "integrity-based, quality first, sincere service, cooperation and win-win" business philosophy, sincere for the majority of users to provide warm, efficient, high-quality services. & nbsp; website: customer service QQ 4000300201 (four thousand ginseng Baier pickup one) & nbsp; E-mail: [email protected] Tel: 0719-8312211 8363116_8313626 8363116_8313626 8313373_15717289803 8313373_15717289803 phone number: 13872817619 15549950282 18372643448 address: Hubei Shiyan whitecaps Auto City

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