Shiyan Yuzhuo Auto parts Co., LTD

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Home Parts brake system brake assembly 【3502ZB1-101】brake shoe【chassis parts】
【3502ZB1-101】brake shoe【chassis parts】
  • 【3502ZB1-101】brake shoe【chassis parts】

【3502ZB1-101】brake shoe【chassis parts】

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【3502ZB1-101】brake shoe【chassis parts】
Company Profile

Shiyan yu zhuo auto parts co., LTD is a production and sales as one of the company, relying on dongfeng, services, dongfeng, have accumulated over the years with the special steel, works, supporting manufacturers of good channel advantages, more with cooperation with service experience for many years, with many manufacturers to establish a solid relations of cooperation

I company specializing in the production and sales of dongfeng tianlong, days kam, hercules various stent, lug, balance bearing hub, brake plate, brake shoe, the shaft and flange, flange gearbox, suspension assembly line and parts, master-slave moving gear, half teeth, gasket, round edge and ring gear assembly, shaft, axle tube of whole vehicle chassis parts, etc.

Relying on dongfeng commercial vehicle co., LTD and the regional advantage of China (shiyan) auto parts city, to provide customers with good price good quality products and service, always adhere to customer satisfaction as the goal, in good faith, high quality products, affordable prices, perfect after-sale, for the purpose of willing to work with the general new old customers sincere cooperation, create brilliant. Our company will be adhering to the "integrity, professional, service, win-win" business philosophy, always adhere to the customer demand as the guidance, sincere cooperation, expanding service and marketing network. Actively provide users with more high-quality products and sincerely looking for partners, common development. Service hotline: 0719-8255559/8255568 4008224968 Mobile phone number:13886834278

Fax: 0719-8316416

Q Q: 2767928461

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