Shiyan Peng Peng Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.

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Home Parts driving system lathe head & accessories Dongfeng Tianlong / Tianjin / Hercules tank bracket
Dongfeng Tianlong / Tianjin / Hercules tank bracket
  • Dongfeng Tianlong / Tianjin / Hercules tank bracket

Dongfeng Tianlong / Tianjin / Hercules tank bracket

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Product Description

Shiyan Yuanpeng Ltd is located in the China commercial vehicle, a "100 city" reputation of the national livable city, Hubei Shiyan. company's main Dongfeng 153 cab assembly, 1230 cab assembly, 1290 cab assembly, Dongfeng Tianlong cab assembly, Dongfeng Hercules cab assembly, Dongfeng days Kam driving chamber assembly; Dongfeng series of the original factory, lubricating oil, gear oil, hydraulic oil, antifreeze. Dongfeng Tianlong, Tianjin, Hercules factory air conditioning parts and body parts; run Dongfeng series vehicles and accessories. company stand in a new starting point, facing the new opportunities and challenges, adhere to the "to the quality of survival, to the credibility of seeking development" Business philosophy, to high quality, low price, the most perfect service for you for the largest profit space, sincerely welcome the world Tongren presence. ;  

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Dongfeng Tianlong / Tianjin / Hercules tank bracket
Company Profile

  good faith to win the trust of the brand to create value; - - Dongfeng Dongfeng Shiyan Yuanpeng Industry & Trade Co. Ltd. Tianlong, Hercules, Tianjin, EQ1290W, EQ1230V, EQ153, EQ1061, T300, T200, Dongfeng Dongfeng Teqi TT50, TT530 series, T360, three syndrome Teng Longtium T260 C3, ten, Sagitar 153 Shaanxi Huashan, Sinovel, BL D916 heavy truck ten, Huashan Sanhuan Shaanqi, Yanlong heavy truck, various special-shaped cab four commercial vehicle heavy truck, medium truck, light truck series! Cab assembly, shell, doors, sheet metal white pieces, bumper assembly, lateral plate, a large panel, grille, rear mirror and a bracket, headlights, fog lights, wheel cover, a pedal, a work table, a combination instrument, a refrigerator, a body harness, glove box, all inclusive top paper, layering, before hanging turning bracket, rear gantry, fender bracket, a battery box... And full vehicle covering parts, interiors, electronics, black paint, chassis parts, the original air conditioning parts, Dongfeng lubricants, engine B, C, l, and series! company can according to customer requirements: spraying body color, specific configuration, with the lowest price, quality service, professional dedication for the national automobile dealers friends and auto repair service company! /> ;

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