Zhengzhou Tiancheng Weiye Auto Parts Co., Ltd.

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Home Parts driving system Idler Heavy truck AC16 Chinese bridge bridge input shaft
Heavy truck AC16 Chinese bridge bridge input shaft
  • Heavy truck AC16 Chinese bridge bridge input shaft

Heavy truck AC16 Chinese bridge bridge input shaft

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Heavy truck AC16 Chinese bridge bridge input shaft
Company Profile

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Zhengzhou Tiancheng Weiye Auto Parts Co., Ltd., the predecessor is River Auto Parts Co., Ltd. Zhengzhou, auto parts company, founded in 1990. At present, company business area of more than 5000 square meters, more than 20000 varieties, company set up under the two sales department, the main: heavy duty truck, Dongfeng and various types of chassis. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; to provide heavy truck, Dongfeng series engine assembly and parts, cab assembly and cover pieces, heavy duty truck gearbox and fast gearbox assembly and parts, heavy automobile axle chassis accessories, variety complete, in time to meet customer. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; on April 18, 2007 and China National Heavy Duty Truck successful signing, become Henan only regional general agent is the second opening of China National Heavy Duty Truck relatives accessories sales center. Sales and service for the Henan area family accessories, warehouse inventory at the beginning of 12 million yuan. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; since the establishment of the company, to the scientific management and innovation, with information automation management system, implementation of digital management, attention to detail, clear responsibilities, expanding sales network, service system is increasingly perfect, operations in Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Anhui, Shandong, Shanxi, Shaanxi and other neighboring provinces and cities. continue to deny the scientific organization of yesterday, today, tomorrow bravely innovation. Tiancheng Weiye in the road of development and dedication for all customer provides professional, timely, convenient services, together with you, create a win-win situation.

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