Shiyan Feng Feng Industry & Trade Co., Ltd.

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Home Parts driving system Idler 13T bridge driven cylindrical gear
13T bridge driven cylindrical gear
  • 13T bridge driven cylindrical gear

13T bridge driven cylindrical gear

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Product Description

The company is located in Dongfeng Automobile Company production base - Hubei Shiyan, relying on the powerful advantages of Dongfeng company, with the major professional manufacturers supporting teamed up to create the largest and most complete of Dongfeng commercial vehicle parts supply platform, the spirit of "sincere service, mutual benefit and win-win" principle, trying to "high-quality, low price" products and services for our customers and friends, Shiyan Xuan Chi Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. is willing to join hands with you, work together to create a better future! Main:
ngfeng Tianlong, Tianjin, Hercules series main products:
tal parts, the cab panel, the appearance of the body and interior parts, electrical appliances, lamps,
ngfeng Fengshen 4H engine, Yuchai engine assembly and accessories
ngfeng Automobile Factory frame, Dongfeng series fuel tank
ngfeng axle, 460 axle, 500 axle parts and assembly
ngfeng oil, Yuchai oil main agent manufacturers:
ngfeng Motor Corporation body factory (40 factory)
Dongfeng Motor Corporation frame factory (41 factory)
ngfeng Dana axle Co. Ltd. (51 factory)
ngfeng Visteon automotive accessories factory of Dongfeng
Dongfeng Shiyan Tianyun Automobile Electrical Appliance Co., Ltd. < br / > Dongfeng Automobile Company Power Equipment Co., Ltd. < br / > Dongfeng (Shiyan) container Co., Ltd. Dongfeng commercial vehicle pure accessories sales department < br / > address: Hubei Shiyan whitecaps Auto City < br / > phone: fax / > 0719-8020510 Customer Service Manager: 1867166753315926171898
Business QQ:317834373

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13T bridge driven cylindrical gear
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