Shiyan car east industry and Trade Co., Ltd.

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Cross axis
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Cross axis

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Cross axis
Company Profile

& nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; Shiyan East car industry & Trade Co., Ltd., founded in 2006, main Dongfeng auto parts, relying on Dongfeng service Yu Dongfeng, long accumulated a good cooperation relationships with various professional manufacturers and supporting manufacturers, also has a service station and dealers across the country and stable cooperation relationship. & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; & nbsp; all our company mainly sales of Dongfeng Denon and Dongfeng Hercules vehicle pieces, by my company production car east brand pots angle gear, precision planetary differential half axle gear, differential cross shaft, differential shell, deceleration for shell, has been to form a complete set of plant of a bridge by everyone from. Over the years the company to the best prices and quality service won the trust of customers, Dongfeng fittings and Cummins parts product sales to all over the country. our company has always been adhering to the "integrity, pragmatic, innovation, development," the purpose of customer interests first, product quality and price, to provide customers with good service. Car: sincerely welcome new and old friends work together to create brilliant.

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