Qingdao O. B. T Co., Ltd.

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Home Parts Axles Trailer Axle Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale
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Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale
  • Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale

Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale

USD 580.00 / piece
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Product Description

Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale

Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale
Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale
Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale
Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale

6.Company Information:

OBT, founded in 1997 located in Qingdao, China, is an international, cross-industry, diversified group company. In 2007,we merged the company CSRS for axle and suspension ,built our trailer company B&C in Australia in 2010, we build our tyre branch ZERMATT in 2013,special for tires, in order to expand our Business areas ,we built our branch company SCG in Singapore in 2014,and also in 2014,we merged the Ocean Navy Logistics to perfect our transportation system. After 18 years of pioneering spirit, it has developed into an important vehicle and auto parts production base and export base.

OBT Group now hasthree independent Division---- Production Sector, Trade Sector and Singapore sub-sectors, involved in vehicle and trailer manufacturing, axle, suspension system, Tyre ,rims, landing gear and fifth wheel etc. parts production and international trade fields.

With most-to-up technology and top designers from Singapore and Germany we successfullydesign and manufacture for Shell,BP,ExonMobil, Singapore Fire,Canada Fire, andTurkey moving company ,etc.
We accept any kind of technique cooperation including to offer full exclusive custom design manufacture and service

With the combination of modern equipment and advanced processing technology and perfect quality control system, we always adhere to the principle of "Top quality, reasonable price and good after service".

Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale

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Obt Top quality 12t 14t 16t Semi-Trailer Axle for Sale
Company Profile

OBT, founded in 1997 located in Qingdao, China, is an international, cross-industry, diversified group company. In 2007, we merged the company CSRS for axle and suspension, built our trailer company B&C in Australia in 2010, we build our tyre branch ZERMATT in 2013, special for tires, in order to expand our business areas, we built our branch company SCG in Singapore in 2014, and also in 2014, we merged the Ocean Navy Logistics to perfect our transportation system. After 18 years of pioneering spirit, it has developed into an important vehicle and auto parts production base and export base.

OBT Group now has three independent Division---- Production Sector, Trade Sector and Singapore sub-sectors, involved in transportation, trailer and agriculture machine manufacturing, parts production and international trade fields.

With most-to-up technology and top designers from Singapore and Germany we successfully design and manufacture for Shell, BP, ExonMobil, Singapore Fire, Canada Fire, and Turkey moving company, etc.

We accept any kind of technique cooperation including to offer full exclusive custom design manufacture and service

With the combination of modern equipment and advanced processing technology and perfect quality control system, we always adhere to the principle of "Top quality, reasonable price and good after service"

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