Shiyan Zhuoyaxuan Materials Trading Co.,Ltd

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Home Parts driving system steel wheel Dongfeng Wheel Rim 3101Q15-015
Dongfeng Wheel Rim 3101Q15-015
  • Dongfeng Wheel Rim 3101Q15-015

Dongfeng Wheel Rim 3101Q15-015

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Dongfeng Wheel Rim 3101Q15-015
Company Profile

Shiyan Zhuoyaxuan Materials Trading Co. ,Ltd began to specialize in automobile spare parts since 2000,locating in Shiyan City which boasts the World Heritage----Wudang Mountain Ancient Building Complex(the cradle of Taoism and Tai Chi), Dongfeng truck production base(EQ) and Danjiangkou reservoir---the biggest man-made lake in Asia. In addition, our corporation engages in lots of vehicle models such as Dongfeng Kinland, Dongfeng T-lift, Dongfeng Kingrun, Dongfeng Heavy truck, Dongfeng Light truck, Dongfeng Duolika, Dongfeng Kangba, Dongfeng Jinba, Dongfeng Light Bus, KINGLONG, YUTONG, etc. Meanwhile our advantageous products are as follows: 1. Drag Link 2. Tie Rod 3. Tie-rod End 4. Brake Adjusting Arm 5.Hydraulic Pump 6. Automobile Electrical Connectors(terminal, relay, fuse box, etc.).
We supply high quality auto parts with different specifications at competitive prices. Because our team always insists on customer-oriented management philosophy with good faith and perfect service. Even though We have pleasant cooperation with many enterprises, We are still making efforts to improve our sales networks and service to become a top-grade supplier in the field of automobile spare parts.

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